The Protocol
Information and eligibility guidelines coming soon.
Other Information
Oakland County’s Board of Commissioners (BOC) is partnering with the Oakland Community Health Network (OCHN) to launch an Oxford School Mental Health Funding Assistance Program in support of persons directly impacted by the recent tragedy.
Town Hall
A Town Hall will be hosted by the local Steering Committee on January 19, 2023 at 7:00pm to hear public comment on the Draft Protocol and explain the application process.
Pikes Peak Metropolitan Community Church
1102 S. 21st St
Colorado Springs, CO 80804
Application & Payment Information
Each type of application has documents which may need to be completed and uploaded as part of the process. Please click “Before you start…” document below for the appropriate category, download, and complete the information before beginning the online application. Please note that some documents may require signatures and notarization.
Category A – Application for Legal Heirs of Those Killed:
Category B – Individual Physical Injury Applications for Victims Wounded by Gunfire:
Category C – Individual Physical Injury Applications of Victims Treated on an Out-Patient Basis:
Category D – Individuals Present at the Site Experiencing Psychological Trauma:
Category E – Old National Bank Staff Witnessing via Video Conference
Payment Information
Funds are distributed once the Steering Committee approves a distribution plan for approved applicants. Funds will be distributed in the following ways:
- Zelle (For those who are 18 or over only)
- Check (For those under the age of 18, utilizing Special Needs Trusts, or those unable to receive funds via Zelle)
Zelle payments:
Victims or beneficiaries over the age of 18, who do not require a Special Needs Trust, may be paid via Zelle.
Find Zelle in the mobile banking app of your bank or by downloading the Zelle app. Zelle is supported through many major banks.
Check payments:
Special Needs Trusts– If you are receiving income-based government assistance, we recommend that you consult an attorney. They may advise you to set up a Special Needs Trust so none of your government benefits will be negatively affected by receiving this gift. If you happen to already have a Special Needs Trust, that Trust might be able to be used for your Fund payment.
Custodial Accounts – In accordance with the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act, payments to minor victims or beneficiaries must be placed in a custodial bank account. A custodial bank account is one that is in the child’s name, but for which the parent or guardian acts as custodian. If the child does not already have a custodial bank account, we recommend that you open one prior to submitting your application. Any bank can set up a custodial account for you. A custodial account will typically be named something like: “Custodian John Smith on behalf of Adrian Smith” or ”Custodial Account for Adrian Smith”.
Shooting occurs
November 30, 2021First meeting of Steering Committee; approve Draft Protocol and send for translation
February 8, 2022Publish Draft Protocol and public comment period begins
February 15, 2022Town Hall Meeting and public comment period ends
March 21, 2022Steering Committee meets to approve Final Protocol
March 22, 2022Final Protocol published to NCF website for survivors, victims, and interested parties
March 29, 2022Application is available online. Application instructions are disseminated to all known applicants and potential applicants.
April 15, 2022Applications completed (with required documentation) and submitted to the Fund Administrators
April 15 – May 6, 2022Fund closes to donations
May 20, 2022All personal meetings requested with the Fund Administrators completed
March 21, 2021 – May 6, 2022Deadline for submission of applications
May 6, 2022All applications reviewed by the Fund Administrators. Recommendations for payments to eligible applicants submitted to the Steering Committee for independent review and approval.
April 15, 2022 – May 29, 2022Steering Committee approves Funds Distribution Plan
June 13, 2022Distribution of payments to approved eligible beneficiaries begins on a rolling basis
June 17, 2022Three weeks after the end of the month in which all disbursements are completed Independent auditing firm conducts examination of Fund according to Agreed Upon Procedures
+3 WeeksSign Up for Updates
Sign up for updates to and receive important notifications related to this fund.
Register for the Town Hall & Submit Written Feedback
Written feedback and questions about the Draft Protocol and must be submitted by January 18th. The Town Hall will be held on January 19, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Pikes Peak Metropolitan Community Church, 1102 S. 21st St, Colorado Springs, CO 80804.